Directeur Achats Electrical Power H/F

Les missions du poste

Dans 33 pays, les 7 500 salariés de Mersen produisent des composants-clefs et des solutions pour les industries d'avenir : satellite, véhicule électrique, semi-conducteur, aéronautique, ferroviaire, transition énergétique, distribution électrique etc.
Partout où les techniques avancent, il y a un peu de Mersen.

Nous sommes experts sur nos marchés, et nous sommes soit n°1 soit n°2 mondial sur la plupart d'entre eux.

Coté à la bourse de Paris, Mersen a réalisé en 2023 un chiffre d'affaires de plus de 1,2 milliards d'Euros et nous visons un chiffre d'affaires de 1,7 milliards d'Euros en 2027.

Main duties
- Defines the sector's purchasing strategy and collaborates in the definition of the group's purchasing strategy. Defines the purchasing action plans for the Group, a Sector, an Activity or a Region, and the necessary means (organization, resources) available for the implementation of these action plans, in accordance with the strategies of the Group, Segment, Activity.
>> Assessment indicator : Annual purchasing budget and approval of the action plans and of the resources required by the management Segment / Activity / Region
- Ensures the deployment of the Group, Segment, Activity Purchasing action plans, and of the standards of the Purchasing Master Plan of the Segment, of the tools and working methods. Ensures the implementation of operational indicators and of results.

>> Assessment indicator : Quality, costs, delivery, innovation at the Segment / of the Activity or of the Region
- Directs and supervises the Procurement Officers of the Sites to ensure that the Procurement Action Plans are properly implemented.
>> Assessment indicator : Action plans and site budget
- Coordinates and / or supervises procurement projects and sensitive issues that impact on the brand image as well as economic implications for the Group, Segment, Activity or Region.
>> Assessment indicator : Strategic actions and projects
- Manages major calls for tenders (RFPs), negotiates and validates subcontracts within the limits of its competencies.
>> Assessment indicator : Number of contracts for the cluster, segment, activity or region
- Coordinates the research and development of continuous improvement actions in all areas (e.g. strategic sourcing, "objective cost redesign", new product development teams, quality, negotiation process for strategic projects, risks related to supply conditions and supplier relationships, optimization of organization and resource allocation, etc.) and evaluates the appropriateness of the implementation of such actions.
>> Assessment indicator : Number of improvement actions implemented for the Activity or the Region
- Contributes to the development of the company's procurement values for the Group, a Segment, an Activity or a Region and actively participates in the dissemination of the Group's purchasing culture and its code of ethics.
>> Assessment indicator : Number of communication actions on the company's values and purchasing culture implemented
- Supports the definition of key purchasing strategies within the Group, Segment, Business Line or Region with Purchasing Category Managers (KCM), validates them and facilitates their implementation.
>> Assessment indicator : Number of key strategies designed, evaluated and approved each year

Nous appliquons une politique de diversité, d'inclusion et d'égalité des chances et affirmons notre engagement en faveur de l'emploi des personnes en situation de handicap.

Lieu : Saint-Bonnet-de-Mure
Contrat : CDI
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