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Scaleway recherche un Développeur Backend pour rejoindre l'équipe en charge du produit Identity and Access Management (IAM) ainsi que de l'API Gateway interne.
Identity and Access Management
Le produit Identity and Access Management (IAM) est au coeur de la sécurisation des accès aux ressources de Scaleway. Il permet une gestion fluide des accès humains et machines au sein de votre organisation. L'IAM vous donne également les moyens de définir des contrôles d'accès précis via des politiques garantissant que les utilisateurs, applications et groupes disposent du niveau d'accès adéquat à chaque produit. Notre service authentifie plus de 7 000 requêtes par seconde.
API Gateway
L'API Gateway interne est une pierre angulaire de l'écosystème cloud de Scaleway et un projet clé de notre équipe. Elle sert de point central pour toutes les requêtes API publiques et internes chez Scaleway. Les fonctionnalités principales de l'API Gateway incluent le routage inter-régions et inter-zones, la limitation de débit, l'authentification, la prise en charge des protocoles gRPC et REST, ainsi qu'un équilibrage de charge efficace. Ces capacités garantissent des interactions fluides, sécurisées et performantes sur notre plateforme. Pour en savoir plus sur l'API Gateway, consultez cette présentation de 2019 (encore globalement à jour).
Philosophie de l'équipe
La relecture de code est une partie essentielle du travail de l'équipe. Chaque modification de la base de code est examinée par des pairs.
- Nous croyons fermement aux tests automatisés et à la confiance qu'ils apportent lors du déploiement en production.
- Les bonnes pratiques DEVOPS sont au coeur de l'ADN de l'équipe.
- Le pair-programming est encouragé pour favoriser le partage des connaissances et s'assurer que tout le monde est à l'aise avec chaque partie de la base de code.
- Nous sommes une équipe technique et, en tant que telle, votre manager sera un développeur.
- Lors de la résolution d'un problème, nous valorisons des solutions pragmatiques tout en identifiant clairement les éventuels problèmes futurs.
- Nous valorisons la pensée positive et considérons chaque nouveau défi comme une opportunité d'améliorer l'équipe dans son ensemble.
Powered by talented and passionate people working hard on democratizing the cloud, Scaleway, the 2nd leading European infrastructure cloud provider, is a multicultural company, rapidly growing into a global brand. We are present in 160 countries, with more than 300 employees of 18 nationalities.
We are a cloud computing pioneer delivering the innovative capabilities of modern multi cloud, covering a full spectrum of services for professionals : public cloud services with Scaleway Elements, private infrastructures and colocation with Scaleway Datacenter and bare Metal infrastructures with Scaleway Dedibox.
We place people at the heart of our purpose as an enabler of the internet. Our organization encourages responsibility, autonomy, commitment and thought leadership from our collaborators. Our premises are open spaces, conducive to exchange and interaction between individuals.
We believe IT is our responsibility to BE a positive force in society and to collectively design new systems for a better future. We want to increase access to the digital and technology industry. As our business scales, the customers we serve are increasingly diverse and global. Giving them an unbeatable experience is central to our business strategy. To better understand our customers and partners, we need a workforce that's as diverse as they are.
Our Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) strategy is a strategic asset for nurturing our future business growth, highly visible to our customers and partners. Scaleway has committed to take a proactive approach to develop the rich skills and competencies of all our workforce and to open up professional opportunities in creative and flexible ways, so that we can truly enjoy the rewards of working in a highly diverse, inclusive and global team, no matter the gender, religious beliefs or ethnicity.
Join a community of more than 300 passionate people and become part of a growing company rooted in the world of tomorrow.
Powered by talented and passionate people working hard on democratizing the cloud, Scaleway, the 2nd leading European infrastructure cloud provider, is a multicultural company, rapidly growing into a global brand. We are present in 160 countries, with more than 300 employees of 18 nationalities.
We are a cloud computing pioneer delivering the innovative capabilities of modern multi cloud, covering a full spectrum of services for professionals : public cloud services with Scaleway Elements, private infrastructures and colocation with Scaleway Datacenter and bare Metal infrastructures with Scaleway Dedibox.
We place people at the heart of our purpose as an enabler of the internet. Our organization encourages responsibility, autonomy, commitment and thought leadership from our collaborators. Our premises are open spaces, conducive to exchange and interaction between individuals.
We believe IT is our responsibility to BE a positive force in society and to collectively design new systems for a better future. We want to increase access to the digital and technology industry. As our business scales, the customers we serve are increasingly diverse and global. Giving them an unbeatable experience is central to our business strategy. To better understand our customers and partners, we need a workforce that's as diverse as they are.
Our Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) strategy is a strategic asset for nurturing our future business growth, highly visible to our customers and partners. Scaleway has committed to take a proactive approach to develop the rich skills and competencies of all our workforce and to open up professional opportunities in creative and flexible ways, so that we can truly enjoy the rewards of working in a highly diverse, inclusive and global team, no matter the gender, religious beliefs or ethnicity.
Join a community of more than 300 passionate people and become part of a growing company rooted in the world of tomorrow.